Friday, February 25, 2011


Too Much by Sufjan Stevens

Ironing by Ryan Adams

the heat
on the bottom
binds new things
to old
like us

strike through: no idea what this means or why you would have it as an option but here it is

Ok done striking through for now, but maybe I will use it later when I want something deleted, but I want people to know what I deleted (that would make it not deleted). Been trying to write lately has not been going well. It feels forced, contrived, and or just like shitty shitty writing. I think part of this has to do with me being hard on myself and trying to find my personal style avoiding cliche. Our lives are flooded with cliche it is hard to avoid. Sometimes when I write I think why does this matter I sound like every other immature depressed teenager that ever wrote anything down. The problem is I am 24 and supposed to be responsible and worried about getting a job and being a grown up. Maybe I am just an immature teenager got left a little behind. Sorry I do not have any kids or anything (wait what do kids have anything to do with it nothing maybe i should use the strike through???) and maybe I do not know what I believe or what I want to do... but I'm just here for now.

1 comment:

  1. I know this post is from a long time ago...but I haven't visited your blog for awhile so I'm catching up a bit now that the nightmare of school is over. And basically...I want to say DITTO to this post. All of it. Even though it's not supposed to be funny, it kinda made me laugh...cuz I totally get it. And it's always worth a chuckle when you realize someone else in the world feels the same...especially when that feeling feels stupid/immature/not right. Hope everything is good. You are almost done. Not fair. Fill me in!
