Song: Midnight City by M83 (this album is going to be amazing)
Surfing the internet instead of studying (of course) and I came across this article about Oregon football and it got me thinking way too much for a sports article. This is a simple idea, but it is very true: If you have enough attention you can get whatever you want. Here is a quote from the article with a link to the whole thing:
"Economics is the study of the allocation of resources that are scarce. These days, more and more, information isn't scarce. Stuff isn't scarce. What's scarce is attention. The companies that win in an attention economy are those that win the eyeballs of people who have too much to look at. Too many ads. Too many screens in too many places. Too many games on too many channels on too many days of the week.
"This new economy," Goldhaber said in Cambridge in January 1997, "is based on endless originality."If you have enough attention," he added, "you can get anything you want."
John C. Beck cowrote a book called The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business. "Just go back to what gets attention in the animal world," he said. One thing is fear. Another thing is bright colors."